Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spaghetti and meat with Chef Brandon Boudet to Dominique

Spaghetti and meat with Chef Brandon Boudet to Dominique

Spaghetti and meat with Chef Brandon Boudet to Dominique

http://www.behindtheburner.comThe sunny Los Angeles is a good reason to smile. A plate of pasta, meat, nothing else. In a restaurant in Hollywood, Dominic West, Chef Brandon Boudet tender meat is delicious, and will smile from ear to ear.

"Tip: Make sure that you have enough fat in meat dumplings; Boudet Manager uses a combination of pork and beef to make juicy, delicious meat.
Technique: Mix ingredients until everything is merged Well, you want a little of each component in each dumpling.
Technique: Do not put meat too tight or it will end up in a dense and hard, and you want them to be free so that sauce can penetrate.
Tip: Instead of frying your meat, try Boudet Chef cooking.
Tip: For best tomato sauce, start with the tomatoes (tomatoes), vine ripened, and will not have much to add fresh tomatoes because of the natural flavor.
Tip: Head Boudet likes to use San Marzano tomatoes, because they tend to be more flavor.
Tip: When making your own tomato sauce, place the tomatoes with a potato masher to remove the seeds.
Tip: Head Boudet recommends pairing with this dish if Cupole Rousseau, red wine and oak. "

Enjoy a refreshing summer wines for less! For a limited period only, behind the fireplace can be enjoyed 5% of the members of Shiraz Yangarra, and Baku and Albarino and Pinot Grigio to Benvolio.
(When you leave, send a BTB in the comment box!)

Spaghetti and meat with Chef Brandon Boudet to Dominique

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