Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heston Blumenthal / in the search for the perfect / Nan Bread

Heston Blumenthal / in the search for the perfect / Nan bread - YouTube

Heston Blumenthal / in the search for the perfect / Nan bread - YouTube

Heston Blumenthal / in the search for the perfect / Nan Bread
Serves 8

The preparation time for 30-45 minutes
2 minutes cooking time
* Ingredients 750g/2lb self-rising flour * 20G / ¾ oz sugar * 2 c. Teaspoon salt * 1 c. Teaspoon of baking powder, water 230g/8oz * * * 230g/8oz full-fat milk 100G / 3 ½ white farmers and ghee *

Method 1. Sift together the dry ingredients and put in bowl of mixer fitted with a hook.
2. Add water, milk, eggs, and include a slow speed.
3. Once the integration of all components of the liquid, and mix for three minutes at low speed, followed by one minute on medium speed.
4. When the dough is mixed well and transferred to generously floured work surface and knead by hand for two minutes.
5. Divide the dough into pieces ounces 100G / 3 ½ (12 pieces), roll into balls and place on floured baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap in the refrigerator for at least two hours before use.
6. Remove all media from the oven and the pizza place two stones on a square at the bottom - V: every stone must be left on the furnace wall on each side, and meet in the middle of the road at an angle of 45 degrees. If your oven and pizza stone room for one, you can use small baking sheet or other metal objects to hold it on the wall of the furnace at an angle of 45 degrees. Heat the oven rack with the summit of the Group increased by 100 percent for 20 minutes.
7. Milled flour on work surface and put the ball of dough on it. Oil your hands and flatten the dough with your fingertips until you have a disk diameter of about 20cm/8in. Repeat with other dough balls.
8. Place one or two pieces of dough flat on the skin pizza ground (or the back of a baking sheet) and brush lightly with butter melted (Alternatively, the "cushion" of towels folded and put Nan on this before and put it in the oven, as did histone in the video).
9. Put the dough on top of the stone in the oven to the maximum extent possible. Note: If you have two stones in the oven you can cook two Nan at one time. If not, you will need to cook one at a time.
10. Cook for 1 minute and 40 seconds, then remove and cook the remaining Nan same way. Serve immediately.

Heston Blumenthal / in the search for the perfect / Nan bread - YouTube

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